Day of Giving is over, but you can always make a gift. Click here to make a difference.
Make a gift. Make a difference.

When you make a gift to The SHOP, you’re replenishing the shelves of Rowan University’s on-campus food pantry and resource center, supporting students in need. 

Since the start of the pandemic, hundreds of students visit The SHOP every week. Monetary gifts replenish items like fresh produce, non-perishables, snacks, toiletries, clothing and more. 

Your gift can transform the student experience on campus by alleviating a great financial and emotional burden, affording students the opportunity to focus solely on their dream of a Rowan degree. 

Give now to support The SHOP. 

See what people are sharing about Rowan University Day of Giving 2022!
1300 Gifts Challenge!
Inspired by the success of our efforts today, a generous donor has pledged $20,000 when we reach our goal of 1,300 gifts!
1,300 / 1,300 Gifts
Student Donor Challenge
It's never too early to pay it forward! Once we reach 200 gifts from current students, the fund with the most student donors will win $1,500 in challenge money.
200 / 200 Donors
Senior Class Challenge
When 75 members of the class of 2022 give to any fund on Rowan University Day of Giving, $1,500 goes to the Senior Class Gift Scholarship for an incoming first-year student.
75 / 75 Donors
Night Owl
UNLOCKED: The Women's Ice Hockey team won $250 in prize funds thanks to Maria & Carlo Felicioli!
1 / 1 Donors
Don't forget to share!

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